
  • Why Organic Cauliflower is Talk of the Town

    orgenic cauliflower

    Guess the vegetable which has a flower in its name? A  Organic cauliflower is the most common answer you will get. This vegetable has many flower heads packed together tightly. These florets shoot out of a single thick stem to form a round head. They come in different colors such as green, purple or orange. You can find white cauliflower quite easily. Vegetables are good for health. Using fertilizers while growing cauliflower is a harmful to health. It can cause several diseases. Organic cauliflower is a healthier variety. It is grown without using any pesticides or harmful chemicals.

    Why is Organic Cauliflower popular?

    People want to lead a healthy life today. They are busy. Forget about preparing healthy meals at home. They do not have time to take care of themselves. As a result, they have many diseases. On the other hand, many people want to stay fit and look good. Everyone wants to reduce carb intake. Nobody wants chemical in their food. Processed and adulterated food is not in demand anymore. That’s why organic cauliflower is very popular. Trendy diet food items are expensive but it is not. You can buy organic cauliflower at any supermarket. It is also easily available online.

    Health Benefits of Organic Cauliflower

    • Low Carb Replacement for Rice

    People are adopting different kinds of health diets-gluten-free and low-carb diets. Keto diet is one of them. Having less carbs and more nutrition is important. Many prefer having mashed cauliflower instead of rice. You can also find noodles and pizza crust made of cauliflower.

    • Rich Source of Antioxidants

    It has a high content of antioxidants as well as helps in fighting the heart diseseases. Whereas, it also reduces blood pressure

    • High in Choline

    Choline is important for boosting mood and memory. It is also responsible for brain development.

    • Helps in Hormonal Balance

    It contains indole-3-carbinol (I3C). This chemical regulates hormones properly. It reduces the risk of breast and reproductive cancers.

    • Reduces gut infectionsAs it is rich in sulphur, it may improve gut health.

    Why buy Organic Cauliflower ?

    Nature is at great risk today. Global warming is at an all time high. Many people are taking steps to help protect the environment. One third of the global food supply depends on pollination by bees and other insects. Buying organic cauliflower can help support the environment.

    Have it Raw or Roasted

    You can enjoy this vegetable raw, steamed, puréed, grated, mashed or roasted.

    Just a Suggestion

    Do not throw away the stem. It is equally nutritious.

  • Is it healthy to eat corn-fed chicken meat and their eggs?

    Is it healthy to eat corn-fed chicken meat and their eggs?

    When buying meats from supermarkets one can find separate sections stating grass-fed meat and grain-fed meat. Does the kind of feed affect the meat and eggs of chicken? Yes! Just like we are what we eat! To choose one from this section one must first decide the purpose of eating the meat. For instance, if one wants to use the meat for any special cuisine and wants it to be tender and juicy, he/she can go for a grain-fed section. However, someone who wants to have chicken meat only for nutrition intake purposes should opt for grass-fed meat. Let’s get deeper into this topic, to understand how corn feed affects the quality and nutrition level of chicken.

    Grass-fed chicken or organic chicken are fed on specifically mentioned organically certified feed. Any kind of animal by-product or fertilizer sprayed grain is strictly prohibited. Also, spraying of pesticide or fertilizer on the grass in their pasture land is not done. Chickens are omnivorous, so they eat away bugs, worms, or insects. Corn-fed chickens are kept on the farm where they are clumped together and have difficulties roaming around freely for food. So, instead, they are given ground wheat or corn. There is not much focus on whether the grains fed are even GMO-free. As a result, the birds’ growth speeds up and they are comparatively fuller than free-range chickens. Here chickens are already less active, and on that what worsens the situation is the extra calories gained from corn-feed. Although the chicken may look big and healthy, it has a deficiency of certain fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, essential for these birds. To fill up this deficiency, extra essential elements are added to their feed so that they can lay eggs of good quality with ease. Despite all these efforts, chickens do not have a good immune system. For customers what matters is how plump the chicken is. So poultry farms give their chicken a specialized diet in winters so that they get fuller in summers.

    It very much affects their meat. It is deficient in various elements in comparison to free-range chickens. They are low in omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Also, the eggs are affected. They do not have a proper balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6 in their eggs. The correct ratio should be 1:2 to 1:4. However, this ratio varies between 1:18 to 1:20, which is way too high, causing various side effects in the long run. Overdose of any kind of grains reduces the omega 3 fatty acid level in them.

    Talking about the corns given to these birds, they must have been sprayed with fertilizers or pesticides by their producers some time, which is then given to these poor birds to eat. This indirect intake of toxic chemicals builds up fatty tissues in these chickens. Things don’t end here. Adding on to this, these chickens are also given antibiotics to reduce the chances of infections caused by a shortage of space and mobility. Again this too affects the meat, eggs, and their nutrition level.

    This does not mean corn-fed meat and eggs are unhealthy, but yes definitely they aren’t as healthy as the organic or free-range chicken and eggs. Chickens who thrive on corn or soy-based feed are said to be selenium deficient and don’t absorb manganese well. Corn-fed chickens have a distinguished yellow meat color and a unique flavor. The eggs of these chickens do not have nutritional antibiotics. Corn-fed chicken eggs are more of a kind of savory and have a creamier yellow yolk.

    Radiance Wholefoods offers a complete range of chicken eggs and raw, fresh meats well labeled for the knowledge and awareness of the customers. Vacuum packs of these meats are available in the store in a hygienic environment and are also delivered all over Bangkok, Thailand. Our delivery partners follow all hygiene norms to ensure that the quality product is delivered to your doorstep.

  • The Difference between Free-Range and Organic Eggs?

    The Difference between Free-Range and Organic Eggs?

    To curb the cost and increase profits, many farms were found to adopt artificial and unhealthy methods. However, consumers in the market nowadays know how to identify healthy items amongst unhealthy ones. Eggs are one of the wallet-friendly food items that every class can afford. This makes it to be the most in-demand kitchen ingredient. In eggs too, there comes different varieties: Free-range and Organic eggs. Organic chickens are extra benefited from free-range chickens. Both have their distinguished health benefits. Although it is difficult to identify them, experts can identify them depending on their size and crust color. Let us see and learn some key differences between Organic and Free-Range Chicken Eggs:

    1- Access to open space – Organic chickens are supposed to be given more access to the outdoors in comparison to free-range chickens. The reason is their diet. Organic chicken needs to forage from nature. Hence, no toxic diet is assured in this case. Whereas, free-range chickens can have their ready-to-eat feed in their cage as well, which of course must be healthy.


    2- Type of feed– Chickens of Organic eggs farms are necessarily monitored in terms of their feed, as they must have the natural feed from a hygienic outdoor environment. These chickens forage in natural grass having fresh fruits, insects, and bugs. This varied diet of organic chickens helps to keep them healthy and lay more nutritious organic chicken eggs. Any chicken to be officially known as organic must be on a completely pure and organic diet. These chickens when not given any hormones and are on just an organic nature-derived diet, stay healthier and give nutritious meat as well.


    On the other hand, the diet of chickens of free-range farms need not be regulated. It has to be assured that they have a good healthy diet readily available to them.


    3- Regulations for No medicines or antibiotics– Although it is unethical to give hormones or antibiotics to chickens to increase their production of eggs, there is specifically no mentioned regulation for free-range chickens. It’s just for organic ones.

    4- Flock size– Organic Regulation prohibits more than 3000 chickens to be raised in a single space. The smaller number allows management to look upon each bird specifically to maintain its diet and living standards. However, Free-range birds can be kept in quantities on a single farm but making sure they are overstuffed.

    5- Living standards by Animal Welfare – Soil Association’s organic standards mention not to trim the beaks of organic chickens as they need to have their natural body features for natural forage. Any kind of mutilation to it can make it difficult for them to enjoy their forage naturally, which can cause distress too. However, this beak trimming is regularly practiced in free-range farms to avoid any chicken peer pecking habit and injuries to their feather. Purely organic chicken farms go the extra mile to give these chickens the healthiest natural environment.

    6- Omega 3 and Vitamin A & E – Owing to the healthier diet and better living standards, organic eggs producers had double the omega-3 fatty acids and higher percentages of Vitamin A and E. Also they have lesser traces of cholesterol and saturated fats.

    Mostly the best way to buy organic eggs is directly from the farm or any farmer’s flea market. However, these days’ organic free-range chicken eggs are now available in supermarkets or departmental stores. Radiance Wholefoods offers a variety of chicken eggs which one can either pick from their stores in Thailand or order them online. The delivery partners carry these packs hygienically to the customer’s doorstep. Our standard quality eggs are produced in specially designed cage housing that has more space and good ventilation. Radiance Wholefoods aims at providing varied nutritional food products to its customers. It has a varied list of kitchen edible products that can be useful to customers in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  • Why You Should Consider Buying Free-Range Chicken Breast

    Why You Should Consider Buying Free-Range Chicken Breast

    Thailand is the 8th largest producer of chicken in the world and produces approximately 3 million tonnes of chicken meat each year. 60% is consumed domestically and the remaining 40% is exported. However, things have changed post-Covid-19. A slump in demand for chicken meat has been seen domestically resulting in a slash in cost too. On the other side, the demand from a few countries increased due to lockdown.

    There are two ways in which this chicken farming is done – Conventionally and free-range farming. Mostly they are farmed in clusters. As time passes, consumer awareness has increased about what kind of chicken meat is good for them. ‘You Are What You Eat’. The more natural, toxic-free food you eat, the more nutrients you get from it! As per reports, it has been seen demand for free-range chicken breast has been more as compared to the conventional ones.

    Free-range chickens are believed to have access to outer space, instead of just being put in cages. Outer space could be grassy pasture, any random piece of land of mud or gravel. It is better for both chickens and the consumers. Conventionally grown chickens don’t have much exposure to outer space and upon that they are fed with fortified grains, which in return is not that beneficial for consumers. In a study of 400 chickens in 280 days, free-range hens scored better than conventional hens. Let’s check out some factors which contribute to making free-range chicken breast a healthier option:

    1- Rich source of Protein – Chicken meat is considered to be highly rich in protein, and breast is the leanest edible part. 85gms of roasted, skinless chicken breast provides 27 grams of protein and has close to just 128 calories and 0 carbohydrates. It is included in a weight loss high protein diet. The chicken breast of a free-range chicken supplies more than half of the body’s daily protein needs, with the least accompanying fat.

    2- Excellent source of Vitamins and Minerals– Free-range chicken breast comparatively more of Vitamins B, D, A, Potassium, and Sodium, than the conventional ones. Possibly exposure to more sunlight and fresh air is the reason for the difference.

    3- Doesn’t disrupt females hormones– Conventional chicken meat is believed to disrupt hormones leading to polycystic ovary syndrome in females. Also, a study proved having conventional meat affects one’s cholesterol levels. Free-range chicken meat is safe (or we can say should) to have to protect your body in many ways.

    4- Better taste– Consumers find free-range chicken tastier than conventional chicken. Organic food always tastes better. Better diet, outdoor access and natural shelter given to free-range chicken contribute to making the meat juicier, tender, and better textured.

    5- Fat-free meat– Conventional are subjected to artificial supplements and growth hormones. As a result, they have more fat in their muscles. But this fat isn’t good at all for consumers. Free-range chicken breasts are bigger and the meat is sumptuous, also because they get living conditions. Putting these animals in tight cages, short of spaces makes them grow but not healthy growth.

    6- Free from harmful bacteria– As per a report by Consumer Reports in 2013, conventional chicken meat was tested to have harmful bacteria like Salmonella, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus. These unnaturally big size chickens are toxic for consumer health because of regular antibiotics given.

    Nutrition Facts

    Here are some figures to show how much nutrition one gets from 112 gms of free-range chicken:

    Component ·                     Units DV
    ·                     Calories ·                     240  
    ·                     Protein ·                     21 grams  
    ·                     Fat ·                     17gms  
    ·                     Vit A ·                     750 units ·                     15%
    ·                     Iron ·                     1.4 milligrams ·                     7.8%
    ·                     Vit C ·                     2.4 milligrams ·                     4%
    ·                     Calcium ·                     20 milligrams ·                     2%

    *DV – Daily value requirement

    Restaurants are also seen boosting their dishes made from free-range chicken meat.

    Free-range chicken meat can be bought from local farms or any farmer’s flea market, where one can get fresher meat. Plus due to awareness of organic and non-organic meat, stores prefer to keep organic and free-range chicken meat. In Wholesome Radiance foods stores of Bangkok, you can get a range of fully organic, free-range chicken breast and other chemical-free poultry items. We also get it delivered to your doorstep through our delivery partners hygienically. Freshness is assured whether you pick it from the store or go for online ordering, sitting back in your comfort zone! Check out the Wholesome Radiance foods website to find more of such healthier meat options for your healthy organic food shopping!

  • Why is Organic nutritional yeast good and how to use it?

    Why is Organic nutritional yeast good and how to use it?

    For two decades, the world has seen an incredible rise in the demand and interest for organic food. Organic food is the very same food grown traditionally except for the use of synthetic fertilizers, GMOs, and chemicals. They are grown naturally using manure and sunlight. Organic crops thus have higher antioxidant levels and lesser health-related risks. Most of us are aware of Organic meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. There is also one more kitchen ingredient that not all of us are aware of. Organic nutritional yeast!

    Organic nutritional yeast is grown on molasses. It is made from an organism known as ‘Saccharomyces Cerevisiae’. Since it is derived from plants, it is happily acceptable by Vegans. Nutritional Yeast belongs to the fungi family and is deactivated by heat. This fungus has been an integral ingredient in our diet for ages. Bread and beer are made using this yeast. It’s a non-dairy and gluten-free product. We all know Organic food is anytime is better than those produced using chemical and toxic fertilizers. Now let’s see how Organic Nutritional Yeast is better than the non-organic ones:

    1- Energy booster – Vitamin B and B12 in organic nutritional yeast convert the food into energy. This quick conversion helps the body’s metabolism keep going and thus a regular supply of energy.

    2- Immunity booster – Organic nutritional yeast is loaded with beta-1,3 glucan, trehalose, mannan, and glutathione. These components are responsible to boost energy. Selenium in it is believed to repair cell damage. Being rich in zinc it is beneficial in tissue repairing and healing wounds. Zinc is also said to improve taste and smell senses. 

    3- Good for skin, hair, and nails – Inducing nutritional yeast in your diet helps in reducing skin aging, acne, and spots. Niacin in it works well on the skin. Also, it is a punch of various Vitamin B elements, which tends to benefit hair and nails. 

    4- Improves glucose sensitivity – Type 2 diabetes patients have seen improvement since the use of nutritional organic yeast. The chromium in this low-glycemic food regulated the blood sugar levels.

    5- Good for a healthy pregnancy – Congenital abnormalities are something to be very careful of during pregnancy. To prevent this and for the healthy growth of the fetus, 400-800mcg of folic acid is recommended. Since nutritional organic yeast is packed with vitamin B12 and Folic acid B9, it is safe to consume during pregnancy. It is beneficial to maintain DNA and red blood cells too.

    6- Complete source of protein – People on a vegan diet can hit their daily protein goal by inducing nutritional yeast protein in their diet (a 5g serving provides 2.6g of protein). It has all the required 9 amino acids.

    Nutritional organic yeast is available in 2 forms in the market- yeast flakes or powdered yeast. It has a nutty Parmesan flavor. It’s a versatile ingredient and can be used for toppings on dishes to thickening of soups. Let’s check out various ways of using nutritional yeast:

    • As for toppings on risotto

    • In rice and pasta dishes

    • Sprinkled on salads

    • For thickening of soups

    • Savory taste in popcorn

    • On scrambled tofu

    • In vegan mac and cheese

    • For umami hit in bread

    • In the making of Vegan gratins

    • Salad dressing

    • Pesto and sauces

    Nutritional yeast is in deactivated form. So to use bread one needs to ferment and activate it first. After opening the sealed pack we can store yeast in a tightly sealed container and place it in a cool dark place.

    It is generally safe to consume nutritional yeast unless you see any allergy signs. In moderation, one can have 1 tablespoon to ¼ cup of yeast a day for health benefits. 

    To sum up, all we can call this Nutritional yeast a superfood as even a little of this is high in protein, low in fat, rich in nutrients, and packed up with minerals. However, all nutritional yeast available on market are not fortified with Vitamins, so one needs to always check the ingredient list before buying. Check out the range of Organic nutritional yeast with descriptions on the Radiance Wholefoods online supermarket or just reach out to their stores in Bangkok. Radiance Wholefoods delivers a wide range of kitchen products at the best prices on online orders all over Bangkok via their delivery partners meeting all hygiene protocols.

  • Top 5 Cherry Tomato Nutrition facts and Health Benefits

    Top 5 Cherry Tomato Nutrition facts and Health Benefits

    The visual impact of kitchen ingredients is the impact one has apparently first, and later finger and palate come. So, a bright, fresh summer-colored food attracts attention faster! Color plays a major role in making a dish more appealing. One such item is a cherry tomato, which is highly nutritious and loaded with numerous medicinal properties! Its deliciously sweet and succulent taste is so irresistible. These juicy tomatoes are small in size and have distinct bright colors. It is known to have originated in Central America from the wild tomato cultivators. In Thailand, they are known as ‘makhua som’. The taste of these tomatoes complements the Thai food they are added to. Cherry Tomatoes are an important ingredient in authentic Thai dishes.

    Every ingredient in our food adds its benefits to our bodies. Apart from adding color and flavor to food, even cherry tomatoes have many health benefits. Organic foods are even safer to consume and more nutritious for the body.

    Below listed out are the top 5 benefits from “red candies”:

    1- Rich in lycopene– Cherry tomatoes are rich in Lycopene, which is great at fighting free radicals. This flavonoid antioxidant, can also limit UV damage to your skin from sun exposure and promote better heart health. It can be used to make a face mask, is very effective as a facial cleanser, and gives a fresh glowing look.

    2- Anti-Carcinogenic – Cherry tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, which fights cancer cells. Also, they have an abundance of Beta-carotene, and Melatonin, both of which have anti-carcinogenic effects. Nutrition scientists recommend it is also good for the treatment of prostate cancer in men.

    3- Blood Pressure and Heart Functionality– Potassium-rich cherry tomatoes are extremely good for patients with high blood pressure. The presence of vitamins and Plant compounds makes it even a better tonic for cardiovascular diseases. Also, it is low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free,  reducing heart-related issues. It also prevents the clumping of blood platelets which is the cause of blood clots and eventually leads to a heart attack.

    4- Weight Loss – For people who want to cut down extra inches from their waistline and glowing skin, cherry tomatoes are a magical fruit. It is consumed in any form increases metabolism, and the chromium in it helps to reduce the level of sugar in the blood. Since it is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, it is one good food for health-conscious people. These nutrient-rich tomatoes are low in calories. Since it has a good amount of fiber, it makes you feel fuller.

    5- Non-starchy and Low Glycemic Index – Cherry tomatoes are said to have a low glycemic index. It’s just 38. Any food with a GI level less than 55 is good for diabetics. This means after consumption of cherry tomato it takes some more time to reflect on blood sugar level. Being low on carb, cherry tomatoes are excellent for diabetics.

    Cherry tomatoes are fun to have in any meal or just pop it up! It is suggested to eat them without peeling, as the skin has phytochemicals that protect cells from damage that could lead to cancer. Cherry tomato is an excellent source of Vitamin A, C, E, and Potassium, where Vitamin C is believed to reduce the stress level, thus keeping us cool and energized. Vitamin A is believed to make your hair bouncy and reduces hair loss too.

    Nutritional Value of Tomatoes:

    As per reports of USDA, a cup of cherry tomatoes (149g) has 27 calories and below nutritional values:

    Fat 0.3g
    Cholesterol Nil
    Sodium 7.5mg
    Potassium 353mg
    Carbohydrate 5.8g
    Protein 0.9g
    Vitamin C 34% Calcium 1.5%
    Iron 2.2% Vitamin A 25%

    As rightly said, “It is never too late to start”! If you haven’t inculcated the habit to include this immunity booster in your diet yet, you can always kick start now! (Trust me irrespective of your weight, age, or gender.) Radiance Wholefoods makes it even more convenient for you!

    Sourced from Bangkok and Marketed by Radiance Wholefoods, you can either purchase these fresh cherry tomatoes from the store or buy them online from their site. Our delivery partners comply with hygiene protocols and deliver the best fresh, organic pesticide-free kitchen needs directly from the farm to the door all over Bangkok. Time to add nutrition to your lifestyle with ease!

  • Top Five Benefits of Liquid Monk Fruit Sweetener

    Top Five Benefits of Liquid Monk Fruit Sweetener

    Consumer market trends have seen changes in current times. As per a recent report, 83% of consumers globally have changed their lifestyles by opting more for healthier options. COVID 19 has urged people to focus more on their immune systems. Habits and ways are being looked out for to improve physical and mental health. The most common being more of physical activities and healthy food options. The current generation is raising awareness of alternatives and substitutes for unhealthy food. The positive result of awareness has increased the demand for natural and low calories food items. The most common item used in our daily meals is refined sugar, which causes obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. A great alternative to this refined sugar is a natural fruit sweetener.

    Mother Nature has gifted a long list of fruits from which natural sweeteners are extracted. One such is Liquid Monk fruit sweetener. This low-calorie natural sweetener is typically extracted from Monk fruit grown in Southeast Asia. 

    Let’s check out some interesting benefits of using this “Buddha fruit Natural Fruit Sweetener”:

    1. Lowers calorie intake– The liquid sweetener extracted from this round fruit is carbohydrate and calorie-free! It is a combination of high glucose and fructose concentration. Its versatility enables it to be used in all kinds of food and beverages. People intending to lose weight can happily get along with this whole food sweetener substituting the typical refined sugar. This makes it a popular sweetener amongst low-calorie snacks manufacturer. It is also considered a great option in the ketogenic diet. The mogrol component in the monk fruit weakens the ability of the body to increase general fat mass. Isn’t it a big YAY YAY for people worried about their waistline?!
    1. Maintains blood sugar balance– Even if it is 250 times sweeter than refined sugar it doesn’t affect one’s blood glucose level. Monk fruit syrup is the best alternative to sugar for people suffering from diabetes. Monk fruit sweetener is metabolized differently in comparison to regular sugar, making it zero calories. Therefore it doesn’t affect your blood sugar level and controls your glycemic. Also, the insulin released by mogrosides improves the transportation of sugar out of the bloodstream balancing the blood sugar level.
    1. Safe for teeth– Erosion of tooth outer layer, i.e., the enamel is the reason behind tooth decay. Tooth Cavities these days is a big point of concern for everyone. People using this sweetener in comparison to sugar, have shown fewer tooth-related issues. Considered to be a good sugar substitute for a child’s teeth, it is also effective in gum diseases in the mouth.
    1. Anti-inflammatory and Anti-fibrotic properties – The Monk fruit has mogrosides. The anti-inflammatory property allows it to be consumed by all age groups, including pregnant ladies. It is proven to soothe chronic inflammation and phlegm. Monk fruit syrup is used to make cool summer drinks as well. Liquid Monk sweeteners, when used in hot beverages, act as a tonic for sore throats. In addition, this syrup acts as a potential anti-fibrotic compound to control tissue scarring in the lungs.
    1. Helps fight cancer– As per a study in 2016, the whole-food liquid sweetener can suppress colorectal cancer and throat cancer growth. The Monk fruit as a whole food has anti-cancer properties. The mogrosides are known to suppress leukemia cell growth and lower the amount of DNA damage. Its anti-carcinogen properties can check skin and breast tumor growth. The anti-microbial properties maintain the bacterial balance in the gut, unlike artificial sweeteners that are not at all gut-friendly. Intake of excess artificial sugars also impairs blood flow weakening one’s hormonal balance. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells acting as an immunity booster. 

    In addition to the above benefits, Monk fruit as a whole food has numerous other benefits too, making it an interesting ingredient for a health-conscious society. The use of monk fruit as a natural sweetener ensures that the bodies’ hormones are balanced, one has better sleep and less mental stress. The IFICF has approved Monk fruit sweeteners to be safe for adults, pregnant women, and children. The global natural sweeteners industry size already crossed USD 9.2 billion in 2019 and is forecasted to expand at more than 4.3% CAGR through 2026 owing to growing consumer awareness about the health benefits of consuming natural fruit sweeteners.

    Hope now you know why Liquid Monk Fruit Sweetener is anytime better than the regular refined or artificial sugar! Radiance Wholefoods lets you buy the Liquid Monk Fruit Sweetener Online from the comfort of your seat! Order it for yourself or your near and dear ones throughout Bangkok, or visit their store Radiance Wholefoods in Bangkok to check out more interesting healthy stuff!

  • Benefits of Chicken Breasts in maintaining body mass

    Benefits of Chicken Breasts in maintaining body mass

    Chicken breast is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate food (protein without a lot of accompanying fat). People who consume adequate protein have a higher chance of maintaining muscle mass and a healthy metabolism. Chicken breasts are a helpful item to include in a balanced, healthy eating plan since they are adaptable and very affordable.

    Furthermore, it has well-documented health advantages, but the quality of your chicken-based meal depends on the components and cooking techniques you choose. Darker cuts, such as the thigh and drumstick, provide more calories than lighter cuts, such as the breast. Saturated fat is also added by keeping the skin on or frying the chicken.

    If you’re replacing red meat with chicken, choose chicken breast because it’s the healthiest part of the bird.

    Chicken Breast Nutrition Facts

    The following is the nutritional information for one 3-ounce (85g) serving of boneless, skinless grilled chicken breast. Many commercially packaged chicken breasts are significantly bigger than 3 ounces. As a result, if you consume a single breast, you’re probably consuming more than one serving.

    • Calories: 128
    • Fat: 2.7g
    • Sodium: 44mg
    • Carbohydrates: 0g
    • Fiber: 0g
    • Sugars: 0g
    • Protein: 26g

    What are the Health Benefits of Chicken Breasts

    Chicken is an excellent red meat replacement. Chicken breast, which is high in protein, has been linked to a number of health advantages, including:

    Stronger Bones and Muscles

    Chicken is a good source of amino acids because of its lean protein. Amino acids help our bodies develop muscular tissue, which is especially essential as we get older. Higher protein consumption has also been demonstrated to help preserve bone mineral density in studies. Chicken consumption can assist to create stronger muscles and promote healthier bones, reducing the incidence of accidents and disorders like osteoporosis.

    Weight Management and Heart Health

    According to research, eating 25-30 grams of protein every meal might help us feel more satisfied. Protein-rich meals can help us feel fuller even when we eat less, which aids with weight management. Reduced risk factors for heart disease, such as high triglyceride levels and high blood pressure, are associated with a healthier weight. Chicken is a high-protein food that can help you lose weight and lower your risk of heart disease.

    Better Mood

    Chicken includes tryptophan, an amino acid related to increased levels of serotonin (the “feel-good” hormone) in our brains. Although the tryptophan levels in the chicken aren’t high enough to make you feel euphoric right away, studies suggest that when combined with other variables, it can help enhance serotonin levels.

    The basic point is that if you are hefty and want a strong and toned figure, chicken breast is the way to go. Chicken breast is strong in protein, which can help you tone your muscles and get the form you desire. However, make sure your diet is balanced with adequate macro and micronutrients.

  • Why should the incredible Avacado be included in your diet plan?

    Why should the incredible Avacado be included in your diet plan?

    Avocados are a brilliant green fruit with a big pit and a black leathery exterior. Alligator pears and butter fruit are other names for them. Avocados are a produce section favorite. For guacamole dips, they’re a must-have ingredient. They may be found in anything from salads to sandwiches to smoothies and even brownies. So, what makes this pear-shaped berry (yep, you read it correctly!) such a superfood?

    Avocadoes are high in calories. The recommended serving size is 1/3 of a medium avocado, which is less than you may think (50 grams or 1.7 ounces). One ounce of chocolate has 50 calories.

    Avocados have a lot of fat in them. However, monounsaturated fat is a “healthy” fat that can help decrease bad cholesterol if consumed in moderation.

    Avocados are high in vitamins and minerals, with approximately 20 of them. So here’s what you get in a 100-gram serving:

    • 485 milligrams of potassium 
    • 81 micrograms of folate
    • 0.257 milligrams of vitamin B6
    • 10 milligrams of vitamin C 
    • 2.07 milligrams of vitamin E

    Incredible Health Benefits of Incredible Avacado

    A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent and reverse illness. Avocados are a nutritious item to include. Avocados include vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that help your body stay healthy and avoid disease. Avocados may aid in the prevention of:

    • Cancer. 

    Avocados include folate, which may reduce your risk of malignancies including prostate and colon cancer. Avocados include nutrients that may help to treat cancer.

    • Arthritis and osteoporosis. 

    Avocado oil extracts have been shown in studies to help with osteoarthritis symptoms. Avocados are high in vitamin K, which helps to protect your bones by delaying bone loss and preventing osteoporosis.

    • Depression. 

    Depression and low folate levels have been linked in studies. Folate prevents the accumulation of a chemical in your blood called homocysteine. Homocysteine causes depression by slowing the delivery of nutrients to the brain. Avocados’ high folate content may aid in the prevention of depressive symptoms.

    • Inflammation. 

    Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and arthritis are just a few of the illnesses that may be triggered by chronic inflammation. Avocados include vitamin E, which helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

    • Digestion. 

    Avocadoes are high in fiber. They’re particularly high in insoluble fiber, which aids in the removal of waste from the body. Fiber helps to keep you regular and might help you avoid constipation.

    • Blood pressure. 

    Potassium is abundant in avocados. Potassium lowers salt levels in the blood and relaxes the blood vessel walls, which helps to decrease blood pressure.

    • Heart. 

    Oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid, makes up the majority of avocado’s healthful fat. This heart-healthy lipid aids in the reduction of inflammation in the cardiovascular system. Avocados also contain beta-sitosterol, which is the plant equivalent of cholesterol. Beta-sitosterol aids in the reduction of cholesterol levels.

    Final Thoughts

    Avocados are a great source of nutrients, many of which are lacking in today’s diet.
    They’re low-calorie, heart-healthy, and, most importantly, delicious. Radiance Wholefoods has a fresh batch of organically grown avocados to add nutrition and taste to your diet.

  • Advantages of eating only free-range chicken

    Advantages of eating only free-range chicken

    The term “free-range” refers to a farming practice in which chickens are allowed to roam freely within a defined area. They aren’t restricted to a single container. If you picture a flock of chickens wandering the countryside, you have a good idea of what free-range means.

    These hens are not confined and have free access to well-fenced outdoor spaces. This approach provides them with vitamin D from the sun, which they require for improved health and pleasure. Furthermore, hens that require antibiotics are removed from the flock and are not sold as free-range chickens. Eating only free-range chicken can, hence, be quite advantageous for your health as compared to regular chicken.

    Top 6 advantages of eating free-range chicken

    1. Packed with Protein

    A free-range chicken breast may provide more than half of the body’s daily protein requirements.

    1. Plentiful other Vitamins and Minerals

    Other vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamins B, D, A, Potassium, and Sodium, are found in greater abundance in chickens that are allowed to wander freely. Conventional hens provide these minerals in abundance.

    1. Higher-quality eggs.

    Free-range chickens lay healthier eggs than the rest of the flock. Free-range eggs include 13% less cholesterol, 14% less saturated fat, 23% more vitamin A, 2 times more omega-3, 3 times more vitamin E, and 7 times more beta-carotene than conventional eggs. Most notably, they are often a little larger than regular eggs.

    1. Economical

    Because they are free to roam, they supply you with nutrients contained in grubs, berries, and greens, which they may readily and freshly get. If you want to raise your own hens, you may save money by allowing them to eat anything they want from their surroundings.

    1. Pest and bug control

    Free-range hens consume bugs and pests in the surrounding environment for no cost!
    One thing to remember is to keep your hens away from your food plots. Remember that they can eat everything, particularly the greens in their immediate vicinity. Keep an eye out for your plants, since they may be the next target.

    1. Fat-free meat

    Artificial supplements and growth hormones lead certain market hens to generate extra fat in their muscles and skin. The birds shrank as a result of this throughout the cooking process. This can also provide you with artificial fats, which you can ingest while eating.

    When served, free-range chickens come in greater quantities and sizes. When compared to caged chickens, each component is exquisite and healthy-looking. There are no artificial chemicals in this product; it is entirely natural.