TEA : Bale Fruit 100g
The Beal fruit benefits
1. Can cure diarrhoea, cholera, haemorrhoids
2. Reduces gastric ulcer:
Bael has certain phenolic compounds containing anti-oxidants that help in fighting gastric ulcers, particularly, gastroduodenal ulcers. This type of ulcer is caused due to the imbalance in the acidic level in the stomach.
3. Antimicrobial property:
Researchers have proved that the extract of bael fruit has antimicrobial functions. It also has anti viral and anti fungal properties that help in treating various infections in the body.
4.Can control cholesterol:
The extract of bael leaf can be used to control the cholesterol level in blood which makes the bael leaves highly therapeutic too.
Inflammation can be quickly cured when the extract of bael is applied on the inflamed region.
<a href=’https://www.freepik.com/photos/fruit’>Fruit photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com</a>
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