Why Organic Cauliflower is Talk of the Town

Guess the vegetable which has a flower in its name? A Organic cauliflower is the most common answer you will get. This vegetable has many flower heads packed together tightly. These florets shoot out of a single thick stem to form a round head. They come in different colors such as green, purple or orange. You can find white cauliflower quite easily. Vegetables are good for health. Using fertilizers while growing cauliflower is a harmful to health. It can cause several diseases. Organic cauliflower is a healthier variety. It is grown without using any pesticides or harmful chemicals.
Why is Organic Cauliflower popular?
People want to lead a healthy life today. They are busy. Forget about preparing healthy meals at home. They do not have time to take care of themselves. As a result, they have many diseases. On the other hand, many people want to stay fit and look good. Everyone wants to reduce carb intake. Nobody wants chemical in their food. Processed and adulterated food is not in demand anymore. That’s why organic cauliflower is very popular. Trendy diet food items are expensive but it is not. You can buy organic cauliflower at any supermarket. It is also easily available online.
Health Benefits of Organic Cauliflower
- Low Carb Replacement for Rice
People are adopting different kinds of health diets-gluten-free and low-carb diets. Keto diet is one of them. Having less carbs and more nutrition is important. Many prefer having mashed cauliflower instead of rice. You can also find noodles and pizza crust made of cauliflower.
- Rich Source of Antioxidants
It has a high content of antioxidants as well as helps in fighting the heart diseseases. Whereas, it also reduces blood pressure
- High in Choline
Choline is important for boosting mood and memory. It is also responsible for brain development.
- Helps in Hormonal Balance
It contains indole-3-carbinol (I3C). This chemical regulates hormones properly. It reduces the risk of breast and reproductive cancers.
- Reduces gut infectionsAs it is rich in sulphur, it may improve gut health.
Why buy Organic Cauliflower ?
Nature is at great risk today. Global warming is at an all time high. Many people are taking steps to help protect the environment. One third of the global food supply depends on pollination by bees and other insects. Buying organic cauliflower can help support the environment.
Have it Raw or Roasted
You can enjoy this vegetable raw, steamed, puréed, grated, mashed or roasted.
Just a Suggestion
Do not throw away the stem. It is equally nutritious.