Originally from Australia, they are also called Queensland nuts or maroochi nuts. They are extremely hard and woody with a pointed apex that contains one or two seeds. It helps in protection against diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease. A packet of whole raw macadamia nuts can be bought online or from our stores in Bangkok, Thailand.
Nutrient Content
Fat 23 g, Protein 2 g, Carbohyrate 4 g, Sugar 1 g, Fiber 3 g, Manganese 58% of the Daily Value (DV), Thiamine 22% of the DV, Copper 11% of the DV, Magnesium 9% of the DV, Iron 6% of the DV, Vitamin B6 5% of the DV
- Lower high cholesterol levels
- Has healthy Fats
- Boosts bone & brain health
- Improves skin health
Storage: Store them in an airtight container, in a cool dry place.
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